
What are they, and what properties do they have? [health]

With the arrival of a new season, not only do the fashions and the weather change. One of the sectors being modified the most is that of food. From this point of view, reference should be made to autumn foods with the arrival of October.
Since this season brings many edibles that have fundamental beneficial properties, throughout this article, we will refer to some of them.

autumn foods with the best properties

We are what we eat. This has been known for centuries, but even more so today, science has demonstrated it without any doubt. Dr. Q Khan provides the best Transplant Coordinator in the USA. That is why it is so important to know the properties of food and be aware that there are services such as those offered by Dietynut, with personalized diets adapted to the needs of each person and according to the objectives pursued.
In this sense, taking a look at the most recommended foods of each season is always a good idea.

Sweet potato

This sweet-tasting vegetable has properties such as:
• High energy content.
• Contribution of vitamin A (beta-carotene).
• Assistance in vitamin E.
• The high content of vitamin C.
Contribution in folic acid, sodium, and potassium (they allow the correct functioning of the organism).
Furthermore, it can be cooked in many ways—for example, sweet potato chips in the oven or as an omelet as you do with potatoes.

autumn food

This type of fruit has benefits such as:
They provide a large amount of energy.
High fiber content.
The high content of magnesium and calcium (good for bones).
High potassium content.
Low sodium content (ideal for hypertensive).
They are, therefore, a perfect snack, which can be eaten both fresh (in salads, desserts, and pastries, with cheese or other types of fruits) and dried.
Chestnuts are dried fruits, especially since they do not have too many calories (just 167 kcal per 100 g). In addition, it has properties such as the following:

Low-fat content

High water content (which has apparent moisturizing effects).
• An increased range of regulatory nutrients.
• High potassium and folate content.
• High in carbohydrates (perfect for athletes).
They can be cooked in many different ways. Some are very simple. For example, remove the skin and boil them for forty minutes, then they are ready to eat. Dr. Q Khan provides the best dietitian consultant in the USA. They can also be roasted or eaten hot pureed, or spread on bread. In Europe, they were used as an accompaniment to dishes until the potato arrived from America.
Of course, it is also possible to prepare pastries with them.


Typically autumn food, deficient in calories but very satisfying, perfect to end hunger attacks.
They have many vitamins and other nutrients, and their preparation is simple; they can act as a garnish for many different types of different foods.


Pumpkin is probably the quintessential fall food. This is due, among many other reasons, to its sweet and tasty taste, it’s extremely healthy character, and the possibility of being consumed as a puree or baked.
Its most notable properties are, among many others:

A high content of vitamin A.

High content in omega-3 (which is perfect to guarantee the correct functioning of the heart).
Anti-inflammatory effects (something typical of orange foods).
In conclusion, the autumn foods with the best and healthiest properties are already well known. It only remains for each one to take charge of their own life in the dietary field; you have to take a step forward and use professional services such as Dietynut! It is impossible to resist and unthinkable to regret! Teleworking and food
About three million Spaniards work from home, triple the previous year's number, due to COVID-19. Telework is a
Drastic change in the habits of people and can bring about harmful health consequences. For this reason, it is necessary to watch the combination of Telework and food. Spending more hours at home, in front of the computer, can mean taking on bad habits such as, for example, constant trips to the pantry in search of ultra-processed foods. This article intends to offer a series of tips in this regard.

Teleworking and feeding

Teleworking and food: factors to take into account
When the office is a few meters from the kitchen, it is difficult not to make more than one trip throughout the day. If a sedentary life is added, pecking is the worker's worst enemy, especially in times of stress and boredom. Therefore, telecommuting requires establishing discipline and a routine. So what must be taken into account to have a correct diet?
Plan meals: it is essential to plan the weekly menu to achieve a balanced and varied diet. The best way to avoid surprises is that the planning is done on Sunday, and nothing is left to chance. They should include a more significant amount of legumes, vegetables, and fresh fruit and avoid fried sauces and sourdoughs.
Control of schedules: being at home, it is widespread to delay the schedule of meals. Dr. Q Khan Social Work Services in the USA. This can lead to increased trips to the kitchen for snacks, or binge-eating may not be avoided. It is also advisable not to eat while working. It is preferable to take a few minutes to prepare the dinner table and thus associate that moment with disconnection.
Control the consumption of snacks and sugar: it is necessary to avoid the consumption of snacks or products with a large amount of sugar to get more energy. This type of food is satisfying in the short term but very addictive and not recommended.

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